Create your Facebook ads

Facebook Ads Manager
In this post, we will discuss how to create a sponsored ad on Facebook. Brands can use Facebook ads to increase the engagement their Facebook or Instagram pages/posts or to direct traffic to their website, app, stores, etc. These campaigns can result in good results if the target audience and the ad format, placement and media is selected properly. 

One can create ads using Facebook ads manager which is similar to Google Adwords platform. Facebook ads manager is the central repository for creating and managing your ads and target audiences. Below is how the Ads manager page looks like. 

As discussed in the last post, an ad campaign can have one or multiple objectives listed above. So the first step is to chose the objective for the ad. For the demonstration purpose, I have selected Traffic as the objective which is focused on driving traffic to my website, blog or app.

Next, the campaign parameters need to be defined in terms of:

(a) Traffic: This is to specify whether the traffic to be drawn to a website or an app. Lets select website in this case. 

(b) Offer: This option by default allows the viewers to save the ad for viewing it later. This has to be disabled if you don't want the users to save the ad.

(c) Audience: This option lets you chose multiple parameters about the audience whom you wish to show the ad to. You can select the location of the audience. These can be multiple locations across the world, in a country or a specific area in a city. This depends on the objective of the campaign. If the ad is for a multinational brand, you would want to select multiple cities or countries. But if its to increase the footfall at a local store, you would target a small area near the store.

Next, you select the age and gender of the audience. This is important to make your advert more precise. If its an ad for Gillette, you would target men between the age of 18 and 40. Post this selection, you can define behavior, demographics and categories parameters for detailed targeting. These selections need to be aligned with your product or brand characteristics. Eg: If I have a gaming blog to promote, I would select people interested in console gaming as shown below. You can also connect more people whom you want to show this ad. These can be the ones who like one of your Facebook pages or any other page. For eg: Surf if advertising would want its ad to be viewed by people who like Ariel FB page. Post this you can save the audience and can use it for this and future campaigns.

Instead of creating a new audience from scratch, you can use a saved audience from previous campaigns as shown below.

(d) Placements: Next option is to select the ad placements. In this case, you can select Automatic placements which delegates the exact placement of ads in terms of devices, websites, etc to Facebook. But I recommend the second option for selecting the placements yourself. This allows you to select the platforms, devices (Android, iOS, phones, tablets, etc.) where you wish to display the ad. This also has an option to show the ad only when the device is connected to Wi-Fi. 

(e) Budget and Schedule: One can define their daily or weekly budget with the start and end date. You can stop or edit this ad between the start and end date once created. Basis the budget and duration selected, the ad manager also shows the expected reach and engagement for the ads. You can modify the budget to get the desired estimates.

(f) Creating the ad: Finally, one needs to select the ad format as discussed in the previous post. Finally you need to add the images or video to create the ad and provide the website URL. Once done, your ad will be served to the selected audience. 

Analyze performance and results
One can use the ads manager dashboard to view the performance of different being served in terms of money spent, cost per engagement, reach and many other parameters. One can also add custom columns, view breakdown and individual ad performance reports. These reports can also be exported to Excel for further analysis. The ads should be edited as per their results for further improvements.

FB page and posts ad
Its not necessary to create all ads from Facebook ads manager. If you have a brand page on FB, you can promote it to get more likes. You can also promote your posts to get more engagement and shown to more people. Merely posting a post doesn't guarantee that it is shown to many users. Hence, the posts and pages have to be boosted to get more views. This can be done as follows:

Selecting grow business option on your page and the campaign objective.

Post that, you need to select the audience and budget as done in the previous example.

For a specific post, boost post button under the post needs to be clicked. This option will be visible only for posts on your page. Once clicked, the audience and budget needs to be selected. The ad performance can be viewed by clicking on view result option under the post. The same can also be seen in the ads manager dashboard.

In the next post, we would discuss some advanced topics like integration of FB with CRMs, Lookalike audiences and Facebook Pixel. Do share your feedback and subscribe by entering your email id for being notified on new posts.


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